Horng H. Chen, M.D.

Dr. Chen is Professor of Medicine, Chair of the Division of Circulatory Failure, Co-Director for the Biological Agents and Drug Innovation Program, Associate Director NIH T32 Training Program and Co-Director Cardiorenal Research Laboratory all at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Chen has been a pioneer in translating natriuretic peptide therapeutics from the bench to the bedside. […]

John C. Burnett Jr., M.D.

Dr. Burnett is the Marriott Family Professor of Cardiovascular Research and Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Director of the Cardiorenal Research Laboratory and Mayo Distinguished Investigator at the Mayo Clinic. He also served as the Director of Research for the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Burnett studies the endocrine role of the heart in cardiorenal homeostasis with […]

Richard B. Kennedy, Ph.D.

Richard B. Kennedy is a Professor of Medicine and the Co-Director of Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group. Dr. Kennedy brings a deep understanding of the factors driving the tremendous diversity in human immune responses to vaccines against viral pathogens including influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, SARS-CoV-2, smallpox, varicella, and zika. His research focuses on the role […]

Inna G. Ovsyannikova, Ph.D.

Inna Ovsyannikova is the Director of Laboratory-based Studies for Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group and a Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Ovsyannikova brings a comprehensive, systems-level understanding of how age, race, and sex affect innate and adaptive immunity, particularly regarding measles, mumps, rubella, and influenza vaccine response. She is a leading researcher in […]

Gregory A. Poland, M.D., FIDSA, MACP, FRCP (London)

EdJen Biotech, Chief Scientific Officer and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory BoardGregory A. Poland, M.D., is a world-renowned physician-scientist* who currently serves as founding director of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group (VRG) — a state-of-the-art research group and laboratory that seeks to understand genetic drivers of viral vaccine response and the application of systems biology […]